Thursday, November 6, 2008

I had a really cool thought today...

A friend of mine was asking how our adoption was progressing. I very sadly said that we had not been matched with a child yet - but then a really cool thought hit me. You see, I just realized that we are on the brink of something so amazing. I am going to be a mother again - WOW!!! And the fact that God has been planning this all along is so cool. I kind of think of it like how I feel when it is one of the kids birthdays and I have a special gift for them. I cannot wait for them to open it. I spent time choosing just the right gift and imagined the expression on their face as they open the package. It gives me goose bumps. I think that is how my heavenly father must feel right now. He has carefully selected the perfect child for our family. He formed her and has blessed this little girl. He chose her just for us - and now he waits to share that awesome gift with His children. That is so cool!!! I just hope the time comes very quickly, when I can open my present.

Till later,


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