Monday, May 18, 2009

PA!!!!! Introducing Tiana Jo Mei Harlow

I am excited to say that our PA has arrived. For those outside the adoption community, this means that based on the information received in our preliminary application, the CCAA (Chinese government) has approved us to adopt our little girl. We now wait for our LSC (letter seeking confirmation). This should arrive in the next few months.

We will still be guarded with the information that we share at this time. But I do want to share a picture of our adorable little girl and a few details. Isn't she beautiful!!!!! I have to say that the minute I opened the first picture, she took my breath away. She is 10 months old and has a very minor heart condition. Our doctors feel her condition will probably have repaired itself before we bring her home.

Also, we have created a travel site that we will use for specifics about Tia. It is a password protected site, so if you would like to follow our journey, please leave a comment to this post with your email address.

Till later...


Gretchen said...

Oh My GOODNESS!!!! She is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! How did we both manage to get such beautiful babies? It still amazes me when I look at my little girl's picture that she is REALLY mine! I am so happy for you, my friend. And, of course, I want to follow your journey.

Carrie said...

Love to follow your journey! Our email is Congrats-she is so cute!

Jan en Terry said...

Dear Diane, She is just adorable! We have PA for a little adorable Kunming boy (he also has a minor heart defect). We would like to follow your journey - perhaps we see each other in Kunming!! love from Belgium, (website in dutch)

Jan en Terry said...

PS our e-mail-address:

Jennifer and Matt said...

She is so cute! Love those cheeks!
I'd love to follow along on your journey. We are waiting on our LOA for our little boy in Kunming. You can email me at Wishing you a speedy LOA. Maybe we can even travel together!

One Happy Momma said...

Diane -

Your daughter is beautiful! What is it about Kunming kiddos, they are all so darn cute!

I would love to follow along. Thanks! :)

All my best -

Cathy -Yunnan group

Doreen said...

She is gorgeous!!!!! CONGRATS!!!!!
I would love to follow along on your incredible journey...please???

Doreen in Montreal single mom to Faith-Jiangxi & Mia-Sichuan

bbmomof2boys said...

Congrats on your daughter! She is beautiful. I happened over here from the waiting children yahoo group. Her name is also beautiful and it's my daughter's name too! I would love to follow your journey to get Tia.


TanyaLea said...

DIANE!!! TIA IS GORGEOUS!! Some of her features in her update photo even remind me a little of Khloe(Elise)! How blessed you are to be bringing home this little hunny...she is just adorable! And it sounds like her condition is minor and may heal wonderful is that! We will be praying that God heals her completely before your travels back home. SO happy for you...and SO happy to have met you! Thanks for contacting me!! I am printing some of the scriptures you have in one of your posts...I LOVE them! I love your faith and your heart for God, it is so evident and very much speaks to who I am, as well!

And if you wouldn't mind...I would LOVE to follow along on your private travel blog. My email:
Blessings and Hugs,

Whatshername's Mummy said...

Oh my, I've just found your site, Tia's referral photo and the updated ones remind me a little of my daughter's - she's a Kunming baby and her referral photos were also of her in those blue baby walkers, she didn't have much hair in that photo, but by the time I got her she had the sticky up hair that Tia has!
Congratulations, I hope you find as much love with your Yunnan daughter as I have with mine.
I'd love to follow your travel blog, my email is kes44p at pobox dot com with no spaces, my blog has my adoption trip on it at
With love from Wales,
Kate (Alice Ming's proud mama, referred May 07, travelled July 07 and 3 this week!)

Diana said...

I'm wondering if you will know I posted a comment here since your original post is so old....hmm...we'll see! I have the link to the travel site, but wondering if I still need a password for something. If I do, can you please let me follow along? I'd love to see more! Just let me know...hope all is well on the flight, you are probably asleep right now, or are you getting that manicure we talked about?