Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Adoption Ministry

I am really excited about a workshop that I am attending this weekend. For months, I have felt that God is leading us to start an Orphan ministry at our church. The difficult part is knowing HOW to get it started. We have a lot of people in our church with a desire to get involved, but we were unsure of what we needed to do.

Family Life has developed this course to help enable churches to start an orphan ministry. It is being held at Calvary Church in St Peters, Missouri. They still have spots open, if you are interested in attending.

Till later...


Gretchen said...

WOW! I JUST went and presented an orphan care ministry to my church YESTERDAY! Are we on the same wave lenghth or what!?! Email me...I can help!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! I have been feeling lead to do something at my church as well and I see from your link that they will be coming to my area this fall for a seminar! Praying your ministry will be a huge success!