Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just waiting....

I know many of you have been checking our site over the past few weeks to see the status of our adoption. I have hesitated writing anything, because I honestly did not have anything to share. We are currently waiting for the next list of special needs children to be released by the CCAA. They have generally followed a pattern of posting the list in the latter part of the month. We have been holding our breath for days - just waiting for the CALL. For those of you waiting, you know how tough this can be. I have run though a ton of emotions.

Anyway, I did receive a call from our agency this morning. The new list should be posted next week. Since tomorrow is a holiday in China, we know that nothing will be posted until at least Monday. :(

I ask that you pray with us. I just want to see her face. I know she is out there - I have total faith in that. My heart just longs to meet her.

Till later....


Somewhere In The Sun said...

Bless your's such a rollar coaster ride! I'll be praying that you can have a fun and stress free weekend as you wait!


Carrie said...

I know how you feel girl! Even when you have a picture the waiting to hold her is just as bad maybe even worse, but it is like water under the bridge when you get to touch and hold her for the first time! It is the best feeling! Go out next week if you can to the park or something or you will go crazy!