Saturday, July 11, 2009

Yunnan Update

We just received an update from our agency regarding the earthquake. The China facilitator contacted the orphanage and they said they did not sustain any damage. PRAISE GOD!!! He is protecting our baby while we wait to bring her home.

Also, and update on our LOA. The CCAA said we are in the review room. They needed us to change ONE sentence in our paperwork. I made that change and the revised document is on its way to China. Our agency feels we should have our LOA shortly. We are still praying for September travel.

Thanks for all your prayers!!!


TanyaLea said...

PTL!!...that's just wonderful news! God is SO faithful and we know He is holding your sweet girl in His hands until you can bring her home! We will continue to lift you up and pray for a quick processing of your updated documents and travel in Sept. He knows the desires of your heart, and it's clear He has been happy to bless you thus far!! <><

Big Hugs,

Carrie said...

Been praying for you-glad to hear your little sweetie is ok! We have been in review for a month and I am praying for an LOA this week-we have been waiting 3 months- I could use some good news! I hope your LOA will come soon!!!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

Great news! I have been away for a couple of weeks and am just now checking in on you. I hope things continue to move along quickly for you!


Tonya said...

Diane, my son is also in Yunnan province. Our LID is 5/15. I would love to be able to follow your travel blog.